Kraft Ted Williams Fight Hunger

Ted Williams was homeless and living on the street of Columbus, Ohio when a local news crew captured him and his amazing voice. We saw his YouTube video when it had less than a thousand hits and in under 24 hours we had convinced our Kraft client to sign Ted as the new voice of Mac & Cheese.  Ted’s story of redemption became a national sensation and Kraft rode the wave to the tune of an overnight sales lift of 7% and a Titanium lion.

Kraft Big Noodle

The nuclear orange Kraft Mac & Cheese noodle is an American icon. And to prove it, we installed huge noodle sculptures in front of iconic American locations like Wrigley Field, the Golden Gate Bridge and the Santa Monica pier. Because icons like to hang out with other icons.

Kraft Mac & Cheese TV

We hired famed comedy writer/director Bob Odenkirk to help us turn people’s tweets about Mac & Cheese into national TV spots in less than eight hours.  Then we did it all over again the next day.

Mac & Jinx

Strangely enough, people tweet about Mac & Cheese more than any other food. And sometimes, people tweet about Mac & Cheese at exactly the same time. We thought these cosmic connections should be rewarded. This low-cost digital effort (less than $35,000) made Kraft Mac & Cheese a Twitter trending topic for the first time ever.


Opportunistic Crime

Skimming off the top

Dad’s in the Doghouse


Officer Dan

Pawn Shop